At the top of any bride’s or groom’s to-do list is likely to be something along the lines of “get fit / go to the gym / start running” or something similar. Looking your absolute best on your wedding day is a priority and at Feel Good Laser & Skin Clinic in Richmond, we can make this goal super easy for you with our clinically proven, non surgical liposuction.
In this article, we discuss what areas you can target with non surgical liposuction and how quickly it can boost you towards your wedding goal of looking fit and fabulous on your wedding day.
Top Non Surgical Liposuction Treatment Areas
For brides, the most popular treatment areas are as follows:
- Stomach
- Flanks (love handles)
- Thighs (inner and outer)
- Buttocks
- Upper arms
For grooms, the most popular treatment areas are:
- Stomach
- Love handles
- Thighs
Although the above areas are the most popular, UltraShape body contouring can be done on most areas of the body. The best part is that it actually destroys the fat cells, it doesn’t just empty them. The damaged and dead fat cells are then safely cleared by the body’s natural metabolic processes.
How It Works
At Feel Good Laser & Skin Clinic, we have invested in the latest fat destruction technology – the UltraShape Power.
UltraShape Power works by emitting pulsed ultrasound energy that precisely targets only subcutaneous fat at a controlled depth, meaning treatments are painless, surrounding tissue, nerves and blood vessels are unharmed. Treatments take just over an hour so it’s easy to fit into a busy schedule. There’s no downtime or recovery so nobody will ever know you’ve had it done, they will only know how great you look on your special day!
UltraShape Power for effective non-invasive body shaping and contouring has been clinically proven in more than 350,000 treatments worldwide.
Next Steps
If your finding it difficult to meet your wedding weight loss goals, then we can help. The expert team at Feel Good Laser & Skin Clinic in Richmond have the latest technology for non surgical liposuction, cellulite reduction and a range of other body and skin treatments.
If you are considering non surgical liposuction or body contouring, at Feel Good Laser & Skin Clinic we offer a free consultation where we can explain the technology and answer any questions you have. You can click on the buttons below to ask a question or book a free consultation. Alternatively, you can call our experienced and friendly team on 1300 896 834.
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