Just as with liposuction, once fat cells are removed from the treatment area the results are expected to be long lasting, as long as you maintain your weight with a healthy diet and exercise.
How many treatments are required?
Each individual should follow a personalized program and undergo the recommended number of treatments in order to maximize results. To achieve optimal results, patients should undergo a series of three treatments, two weeks apart and lead a healthy lifestyle including good diet and regular exercise.
Does this treatment cause any damage to surrounding areas?
Fat cells are disrupted (permanently destroyed) while surrounding structures such as blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues are unharmed. The safety and efficacy of UltraShape has been predominantly noted in the following areas: Abdomen Thighs (“saddle bags”) Flanks (“love handles”) This procedure has an excellent safety record. Hundreds of thousands of patient treatments have been […]
Why choose ultrashape and how is it different to Cool Sculpting and SculpSure?
Cool sculpting and SculpSure focus on targeting buttery fat. Ultrashape focuses beyond this, targeting fibrous fat and dense tissue or what is better known as stubborn fat. With our treatment, results can be seen in as little as two weeks*, in comparison with 6-8 weeks for other treatments like Cool Sculpting and SculpSure. Furthermore, Feel […]